Get involved at LMC
Church Mice
The “Church Mice” are a dedicated group of ladies that meet once a month to make cards. The group started in 1997 and, in addition to LMC members, includes ladies who are not members, and ladies with varying stamping experience.
The cards made by the Church Mice are sent each month to those individuals on the church prayer list. In addition, cards are made and sent to homebound LMC members as well as those in nursing homes or assisted living centers for Valentine’s Day, Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas. Cards are also made for 1st Communion, Confirmation, graduation, new baby, baptism, weddings, and MUCH more. One more note, on average the Church Mice make approximately 1200 cards/year!
Card Writers
The Card Writers meet once a month to write cards to those individuals on the church prayer list. Each card includes a personal message and a bible verse that the Writers hope brings comfort to the recipient. In addition, the Card Writers assist in sending cards to LMC home-bound members and those in nursing homes or assisted living centers at special times of the year.
Meet on Wednesdays at 1:00pm in the Shalom Room. They have made 100’s of quilts! The quilts are made for the needy and sent or given to: The Pine Ridge Reservation, Missouri shores, South East Methodist Church , The Red Cross, Pierre Police Department, Graduating Seniors, and Lutheran World Relief. All of the quilts are make with care and love.
Stitched with Grace - Tuesdays
Meet on Tuesdays at 2pm in the Shalom Room. They turn donated fabric, blankets, sheets and curtains into baby and lap quilts. Material is cut into blocks, sorted, bagged and sewn into tops at home. On Tuesdays, they gather to find matching backs and middles and assemble the quilts. The Wednesday Quilters tie all of the quilts.
Decorating Team
The Decorating Team has the responsibility of decorating the church according to the church calendar. They have also been working on a landscaping project and updating the parsonage, as well as fix-it projects around the church.
Men in Mission
Aside from 7am Tuesday morning bible study with Pastor Craig at Perkins in Ft. Pierre, Men in Mission has undertaken the project of building "Faith Chests" These beautiful wooden chests are unfinished and given to members at the time of baptism, along with their certificates, coin emblem, and baptism cloth.
Men in Mission also organizes pledges to the LMC Youth Group, PARS, Missouri Shores, Red Cross and to other needs that come to attention.
All men of Lutheran Memorial Church are members of Men in Mission. If you are interested in attending, please join them on Tuesday mornings at 7am over at Perkins.
Women's Bible Circles
Once a month, the circle bible study leaders are invited to attend a meeting with a Pastor to go over the lesson for the month. The leaders of the circles meet with their groups for a time of fellowship and bible study. If you are interested in joining or attending one of the circle meetings please contact the chairperson of that group. ALL women welcome!
Ruth and Deborah-Martha Circle
Leader: Marlene Knudtson
Esther’s Bible Study
Tuesdays at 9:30am - LMC Narthex
Miriam Circle
Leader: Nancy Sperry
3rd Monday of the month at 2:30pm - LMC conference room