New Here
Welcome to Lutheran Memorial Church
Tell us a little bit about yourself by filling out our LMC Connect Card!
View our worship schedule — All are welcome!
What to expect at worship?
Worship at Lutheran Memorial is for all ages, so expect a worship service that adapts to the needs of multi-generations. There are children’s bulletins and crayons for little hands just outside the sanctuary doors. You might find yourself sitting next to some a lifelong member or someone new, just like you!
What should I wear?
No dress code here. We are excited to meet you and have you get to know us as well! Saturday evenings are always "come as you are!"
How do I get there?
Lutheran Memorial is located at 320 E Prospect Ave, Pierre, SD 57501, right across from the Capitol. Click here for directions.
Will I be called out as a guest?
Not to worry, we’re not going to call you out and make you wave, stand up, or come up front.