Learning Together

Join Pastor Craig in the Sanctuary for a 10 week study on the book of Ecclesiastes. Choose which day each week works best for you, Sunday mornings or Tuesdays @ noon.

Open to all!

Reformed by the Reformer

Welcome to Luther House of Study staff: Reverend Dr. Chris Croghan, Reverend Lars Olson, and Reverend Sarah Stenson

Pastor Craig Wexler

October 22, 2023
[Lutheran Understanding of Law. Gospel. SIN]

Pastor Craig Wexler

October 15, 2023
[Lutheran Understanding of Law. Gospel. SIN]

Pastor Craig Wexler

October 8, 2023
[Lutheran Understanding of Law. Gospel. SIN]

Pastor Craig Wexler

October 1, 2023
[Lutheran Understanding of Law. Gospel. SIN]

Reverend Lars Olson

September 24, 2023
[Luther’s Breakthrough]

Reverend Dr. Chris Croghan

September 17, 2023
[What Made Luther Tick]

Reverend Dr. Chris Croghan

November 5, 2023
[Would Luther Still be Lutheran Today?]

Reverend Sarah Stenson

October 29, 2023
[Freedom of a Christian]