Welcome, 6th, 7th, & 8th Graders!
Our Mission is to provide a safe space; physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually, so that students can know, live, and grow in their faith.
Following are the overall guidelines for those participating in Confirmation at Lutheran Memorial Church:
SHOW RESPECT – for yourself, for other students, for your Confirmation guide.
COME PREPARED – bring your Bible to small group meetings.
MAKE YOUR BEST EFFORT – participate in the activities that are offered.
It is our expectation that you child participates EVERY week in the activities planned. If your child will be absent, please let us know!
Wednesdays from 7:15-8:00pm at LMC (following 6:30pm worship)
What to Know
Students should bring their bible each week.
We have expectations of behavior during worship and during class. Be respectful of this place and the confirmation guides who so very generously give of their time to assist your child during this part of their faith journey.
We encourage kids to bring friends to confirmation if they wish.